404 page

A URL that tells the visitor that the webpage does not exist

A 404 page, also known as a "not found" page, is a specific type of webpage that is displayed when a visitor attempts to access a URL that does not exist or cannot be found on a website. When a user encounters a broken or missing link, or mistypes a URL, the server responds with a 404 error status code, indicating that the requested page could not be located.

The purpose of a 404 page is to provide an informative and user-friendly experience for visitors who encounter missing or broken links. It typically includes a clear message or visual indication that the page they were trying to reach is not available. This message may explain the reason for the error, suggest alternative paths or related content on the website, or provide links to the website's homepage or search functionality.

An effective 404 page is designed to help users navigate back to the desired content or explore other relevant sections of the website, minimizing frustration and improving the overall user experience. It is important for website owners and developers to customize their 404 pages to align with the website's branding and design, ensuring consistency and reinforcing the website's identity.

In addition, website administrators often track 404 errors using analytics tools to identify broken links or problematic pages. This data helps them to discover and fix issues, ensuring a smoother browsing experience for visitors and maintaining the integrity of the website's navigation. By regularly monitoring and optimizing the 404 page, website owners can enhance usability, retain visitors, and improve search engine rankings.

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